An Inordinate Fondness For Beetles

Apparently biologist J.B.S. Haldane said this, and apparently he really was fond of beetles. I’m not fond of the actual critters, but I do like seeing pictures of them, especially the more colorful ones. I’ve even bought some beetle fabric, although in black and white.

While I was pulling out my lobster fabric, I found a small bag with the beetle fabric. Then I found my collection of animal totems.

“Self,” I said, “these are all black, white and red. You’ve got black and red lobster fabric, and black and red space fabric. What does that suggest?”

You’re probably thinking it suggests a little artistic intervention and counseling for me – no such luck. What did happen is I thought of labyrinths. Wouldn’t it be fun to make a labyrinth quilt from this collection?

Not so much, as it happens. I really don’t want to piece all the little sections that the design in my head requires. The work-in-progress is resting on my design wall, and I am considering quilting designs to enhance the labyrinth motif. Perhaps some sashiko would work. Suggestions?

Luck and wisdom!

The Bird Workshop

Kevin Kosbab came to Amador Valley Quilters and gave a machine applique workshop. Now, I’ve never had much luck with machine applique. Also, I’ll do anything to avoid packing up my sewing machine and lugging it to workshops. The flyer said hand appliquers would be welcome, however, so I went. “Self,” I said, “perhaps if you watch other people do machine applique you’ll find the courage to defy your anti-technology fears and fiddle with the dials on your machine.” Besides, the pattern he was teaching was of cute birds.

Lani Longshore cute birds

Since I was going to be the non-compliant student anyway, I decided to applique my birds on a background the Progressive Party made for me rather than a set of individual blocks like the pattern requested. Luckily for me, Kevin is a generous and flexible teacher. He was just fine with my non-compliance, gave me some great tips for hand applique, and liked the project I did.

Even better, he had some cool stuff to sell (aside from his cute patterns), so now I have more thread and another lovely piece of fabric for embroidery and beading.

Lani Longshore threads

There was another Progressive Party background on my design wall (with fabric I’m auditioning for a border or two). I put the bird project up there to photograph, and realized I am now in my gray period.

Works in progress, always more works in progress
Works in progress, always more works in progress

I have no idea why I’m collecting gray when I used to collect pink. To be honest, if the work comes out well, I’m not going to complain. Something in the universe is telling me to explore new avenues, so that’s what I’ll do. Who knows, I might even try some machine applique.

Luck and wisdom!

Parks 2 – The Yellowstone Potholder Kit

We had a family reunion in Yellowstone years ago. I bought a kit of four panels reproducing old posters from the park. The kit came with instructions to make potholders. Seriously? These are way too cute for potholders.

Lani Longshore yellow art quilt

I inserted the blue cording, and will couch it with beads. There may be more beads, but I’ll decide that later.

Lani Longshore red-green art quilt

The red-green quilt may get some beaded animal appliques that I got from a friend who was moving. Or maybe buttons. Or maybe both.

Lani Longshore work in progress

I’m still auditioning fabric for the last two panels. This one may be close to the sewing stage. At any rate, I’m having a lot more fun making small art quilts than potholders.

Luck and wisdom!