In Praise of Busy Fabric

For the Challenge Project this time we were given crayon colors and instructions to let the name of the color inspire us. I got Carnation Pink. My first thought was of Carnation Instant Breakfast (which I’ve never actually eaten, but I still remember the ads). Then I thought about other dairy drinks, specifically milkshakes, and I thought maybe a classic 50’s milkshake would make a cool image. Then I found a really busy print and my ideas went in a different direction.

Lani Longshore challenge project

The print inspired me to applique an image of a martini rather than a milkshake. I used a pink fabric that is sorta kinda maybe a carnation pink. There are pink squiggles in the print that are closer to the right color. Add some heavy quilting, and my challenge project is done. That is the joy of a busy print.

Lani Longshore challenge project detail

Here is another busy print that I received as a gift.

Lani Longshore fat quarter

I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it, but it goes so well with my growing gray collection that I might include it in the pile.

Busy prints can be gorgeous, or ghastly. I tend to like ugly fabrics, so often as not my busy prints are ghastly. That’s okay, because with enough beading almost anything looks good. Given that I have tons of beads, it is time to rifle through my stash and pull out all those busy prints. Who knows what treasure I have hidden in the piles?

Luck and wisdom!

Author: Lani Longshore

Quilter, writer, chocoholic, black belt (karate), killer of houseplants, reader of maps (and I still get lost)

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