Travel Project

This is the travel project I brought with me to the literary festival. It’s a simple pattern, and I finished it by the end of my shift. The most difficult part was finding a place on the table for the book with the pattern when people came to talk. The reason I brought this project was the base – the aida cloth surrounded by pink satin – was created from scraps a long time ago. It was waiting in my embroidery bag for the perfect project. “Self,” I said, “today this is the perfect project because I can do most of it at the festival.” I opened one of my cross-stitch books and chose the bird pattern because it didn’t need a lot of thread. I chose the spring-ish colors because I knew I could see them regardless of the light level at my table. The visitors to the table liked what I was doing, and I like the result. I’m still not sure what I will do with it, but at least I’m not staring at a blank canvas.

Luck and wisdom!

Donut Day

My trusted made-up food holiday calendar says June 2 is National Donut Day. Who am I to disagree?

A mixed dozen - perhaps a metaphor, perhaps just dessert
A mixed dozen – perhaps a metaphor, perhaps just dessert

I even felt that I deserved a donut or two, since I finished the row quilt top.

Lani Longshore row quilt

The best part was getting down to the bottom of the fabric pile and finding just enough of this blue for the final row.

Lani Longshore row quilt detail

I used every bit – there are no scraps to bedevil me. Sing hallelujah!

As I was separating the fabric I didn’t use in this top into new collections, I noticed a kit for sun printing fabric. Heaven knows how old it is. I have a vague memory of buying it years ago at a silent auction. I’ve moved it around the sewing room every since, waiting for the perfect project. This week I decided there is no such thing as the perfect project, and who knew if the prepared fabric would react in the sun anyway? I gathered up a few objects and put the whole lot out on the patio.

Doilies and vases, forks and scissors, whatever I could grab
Doilies and vases, forks and scissors, whatever I could grab

When I ran out of stuff to put on the squares, I used the weeds growing between the pavers.

Using weeds for art beats pulling them any day
Using weeds for art beats pulling them any day

Wonder of wonders, the stuff still worked.

A salad fork and a spatula
A salad fork and a spatula

It even worked with my beaded wire reindeer.

My Christmas reindeer in blue
My Christmas reindeer in blue

Yes, I now have another collection of fabric waiting for a project, but the squares take up a lot less room than the kit. Reason enough to celebrate with another donut.

Luck and wisdom!